Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Janathon - lite: Day 1

I should probably start by explaining that this isn't a full blown Janathon attempt - in fact it isn't an officially registered attempt at all. The reason for this is because I've tried twice before to do this, and failed utterly. So this year I thought I'd try it on the qt, and take the pressure off.

So, the 1st of January 2013:

parkrun day. Not standard Saturday parkrun, but special Event parkrun. 9am, and an  11am freedom run. Obviously, if I had run one or both of them, this would be a really short post, but my knees don't do running, at least not at my current weight, so no.

What I did do today was organise and RD two events. This involved leaving home at 7.10, in the dark. It also involved putting on soggy wet boots, which I really should've taken out of the car at some point after the Christmas Day event. The cold wet feet were entirely eclipsed by the camaraderie and warmth generated by the volunteer team, and the runners, all 58 of them, at 9am. Run done, most people vanished, and the hard core core - Dylan, Jen, Ken, Paula, Steven & me - set about getting the 11am freedom run ready. Results were processed at the registration desk in record time. parkrun branding was removed from everything - tape at start and finish replaced with a red & white version, barcode tokens replaced with handwritten numbers. Signs which had been inadvertently collected were put out again, attempts were made to get a cup of tea, or indeed anything warm. The cold wet feet had ceased to exist in the realm of feeling. Event 2 happened, very low key, small numbers - wet muddy course, not counting in the great t-shirt haul, who knows - but 16 did it, 4 did all 3 event (Banstead in the middle). We packed away, went to the pub, and published more times, before having a celebratory meal.

Throughout all of this, it became evident to me, and probably to everyone else, that I was not well. My voice, not great since pre-show illness, has almost vanished. My throat is red hot to touch,and  swollen. I have a nasty, chesty cough, that leaves me feeling sick & dizzy every time it happens. I'm so, so tired. Every muscle and every joint aches. Getting through the event(s) was a given. Enthusiasm from others, and sheer necessity made it so. But when I found myself dreading the walk to the start line, and doubting whether I'd get back to the finish line in time, alarm bells started to ring.

Home, at 4pm, shivering like mad, although temperature in my flat is tropical. Sleeping bag and hot water bottle on the sofa, tv on, slept for 4 hours. Woke up, sweating like mad. Forced toast and peanut butter into myself and went to bed.

Really hope I haven't got flu. And really sick of feeling ill.

Anyway, what of Janathon-Lite?

I carried many heavy bags to and from the car.
I walked 700m to and from the start line 4 times. 2,800m.
I cheered a lot!

So endeth the first day. Tomorrow will not be cardio, unless a miracle cure happens in the night!