Thursday, 24 November 2011

Day 23 - 8 things you didn't know about me (although they may have been revealed in the blog!)

Found this really difficult - everyone who knows me knows almost everything about me - to quote Amy 'you're an open person. Whatever's going on, you broadcast it all on radio Nicki' which is her way of saying I talk too much! The things that aren't 'broadcast' are not for public consumption, and are NOT going on the blog... Dilemma!!!

Here goes:

  • As a child I had an imaginary friend called Marley Whale. I can only guess that her name came from 'Bob Marley and The Wailers' - and I have only the foggiest memory of her presence in my life
  • I have a doll who was new on the same day as me - her name is Looby Loo, and she went everywhere with me - if I was feeling a bit insecure, I'd pop her in my school bag. (no, not recently!) I still have her, she now lives in a Christmas Stocking made of felt (thanks Kez) and although she looks somewhat the worse for wear, she still gets hugged when I'm feeling rotten, and she is much loved! 
  • My passport went out of date in the year 2000 and I haven't gotten round to renewing it. I love England and tend to justify my laziness with the passport by saying that I haven't been to half of the places in this country that I want to, so why so do I need to go abroad?
  • I HATE airplanes. I hate flying in them (Although the idea of hang gliding or paragliding is AMAZING!) I react badly to the change in air pressure, and (joy of joys) my ears bleed. (there may be a link between the lack of passport and the fear of flying!)
  • I was determined not to be a teacher. All the way through school people suggested that this was my ideal career, but I wanted to be a journalist. (given the issues I have with deadlines, this is a non-starter!) I continued to insist that I wasn't going to teach (English Lit was always the suggested subject) right the way through university, during the time I spent in Spain (went to learn the language, taught the entire village of Sant Fileu de Guixols - perfect English, and came back with a smattering of swear words in Catalan!) right up until I went Warwick to do my PGCE. I think the deciding factor for me was working with West Sussex County Youth Theatre, and realising that I could teach Drama.... and thus it all began.
  • I never wanted to have children - but spend most of my time with other peoples. Or to put it another way: 'Mummy Clark has hundreds of children. They all live in the world of Drama' (Steven Sayer!)
  • I'm scared of earwigs. (evil little fuckers, might crawl in your ears and eat your brain)
  • I may, possibly, have left the parkrun volunteer vests on the line last night!



  1. I had to 'favourite' the parkrun vests photo on flickr. It really is brilliant.

    btw.. You don't wash them every week, do you?

  2. Hi Steven is not the only drama baby there's a little ted sitting at he desk meant to be doing home work hoping mummy Clarke hasn't forgotten about him ;)
