Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Day 08 - The Last Item I Purchased

If we discount groceries, an alarming number of parkrun destined Mars Bars, a particularly yummy chocolate  orange muffin and yesterday evening's Fish & Chips (It's been a long long week, don't Judge!) then my most recent arrival from Amazon is the claimer of this title!

Following the fabulous Tori Amos extravaganza of last week (so so good!) I decided I needed to own an actual copy of her most recent CD not just a digital version... It's been playing whenever I've had a moment to spare ever since.... gotta love Tori!

One of the Best Tori Albums in recent years!

Of course, if I was being totally open and honest, I might have mentioned the fact that my other internet purchase of the week arrived at the same time - and it was a mooncup!


  1. "it's been a long week" haha, if only it wasn't only Tuesday, eh? Ax

  2. I own one Tori Amos album that I've never listened to. It's a Japanese import (I think). hmmm..

    Oh, a mooncup, cool. I've got one too ;)

