Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Day 07 - A song for the Day

It is a moderately known fact that (when in a halfway decent mood) I can produce an apt song for virtually any occasion, and much to the delight/amusement/disgust of those around me, I'm not usually shy about singing whatever it may be. This of course immediately stopped being true when I was actually trying to think of a song to sum up today. 

We are rapidly approaching the first performance exams of the year - our 'A' Level babies have their Devised Performances on Wednesday, and as they are worth 40% of their final mark, the pressure is on. As always at this stage, (no pun intended) there has been very little sleep and several 10pm finishes. We're all knackered, and getting colds. I have a stinking cold, for which I blame Kaye and/or Morgan, and am at the dizzy, sleepy, itchy eyed stage of sneezingness. 

I came up with a couple of possibilities before I got to school, basically based on my being a sad and self pitying soul:

  • I'm So Tired - The Beatles
  • The Drugs Don't Work - The Verve

I think the titles are explanation enough, really!

Neither of those really seemed quite right (I know, I may possibly be over thinking this!) so I asked the kids as we went into the third hour of rehearsal, and got the following suggestions:

  • They're Coming to Take Me Away - Napoleon XIV
  • Insomnia - Faithless
  • I'm Going Slightly Mad - Queen
  • Frontier Psychiatrist - The Avalanches

Definitely a bit of theme there, I think - It's been a long couple of weeks!
The tech crew's contribution was more varied:

  • I Hate Myself and I Want to Die - Nivarna (this was our Head techie's contribution - he had just entirely forgotten to put out the footlights and spent 45 minutes reprogramming something which should have taken 10 mins max, so some wallowing was occurring!)
  • I Get by With a Little Help from my Friends - The Beatles (not sure if this came from Head Techie once stuff was sorted, or from the sound guy - but hey, made me smile.

As rehearsals went on, and things weren't looking quite so dire, suggestions got increasingly random:

  • All I want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth
  • We All Live in A Yellow Submarine
  • Ugly-Bug Ball
Bless them. 

On the way home, whilst acting as a late night Taxi service to a couple of tired techies, I was commenting on how it was all looking better than expected - and spontaneously burst into the song which is my song of the day!

From Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, a song about redeeming something half decent from disaster!


  1. Oh! I completely agree! There is a song for every situation!!! my friends and family all think I am crazy sometimes when I sing things out but... you know.. sometimes it's the only thing that sums up what you're going through or feeling.

  2. Haha, love it. A song for the day is difficult at the best of times. It should really be 'Playlist of the day' in which case you've won ;p

