Monday, 5 December 2011

Festive Photo Frenzy - Day 5 .... the catch up Queen is back in town!

Yesterday was the day of tired.... I did take the photos on the way home, came in and fell asleep on the sofa  but was too busy to put them up *ahem*

Anyway, here is Whyteleafe at its very best - the tree in the middle of the roundabout (which I suspect has been lit by subterfuge, as one of the lamps above the blue-circles-with-an arrow-in isn't working, and a lead is protruding from it...) makes me smile when I drive past - and after a long day, it's a much needed smile!!


and to make up for it being late, here's a second photo from Monday - another of the lights in Whyteleafe, with a follow-the-star kind of thing going on with the street lamp *sigh - gotta love Christmas*


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