Well, it's good to be back.
Having done nearly two months of daily blogging, I ran out of steam just before Christmas, and that, as they say, was that.
For the record, Christmas was fairly hard work, and a wee bit depressing. The bright spot, as ever, was parkrun (quite a lot of parkrun) and the fact that it's over now. (Christmas, not parkrun!)
January sucked a bit as well - again, it almost always does - the month when getting out of bed is a major achievement... a little bit of an iron deficiency didn't help, weirdly, having a needle stuck in my backside every other day, does! (Iron injections rock!) It's taken a while, and I'm still anemic, but I've been trying to get to bed before midnight, and to eat actual food that isn't chocolate, and it seems as if I may have survived!
Jen and I saw January out in style - with day 1 of a 'couch to 5k' program. It wasn't difficult, but it was cold, and muddy, on the Downs.
In an attempt to do penance for my Janathon fail, I am going to do a low key 'febathon' - I don't promise daily blogging, but am intending to do some daily exercise, which I will report in the blog when posting.
Today, I left the house at 6.50 (argh!) expecting to have to de-ice the ka, however, temperatures had obviously come up, as all was clear - so to school, and to the gym...
28 mins of cardio followed - may possibly have accidentally reset the cross-trainer timer - on the bike and the elliptical trainer, and so far, I feel pretty good, as it goes... Tomorrow evening will be day 2 of the C25k, and friday will be back to the gym...
So far, I'm liking February.